Writing a book blurb is always challenging. Here's some help.
If you're starting a story or looking to build a story premise, this article will help you think about the things you need to wow the reader
Now and then Jennifer Cruise posts a blog that is so on the money, I want to frame it by my computer. This one about how to use visceral reactions to show emotions is on of those.
Don't know the difference between murder and homicide? Or scene of the crime and crime scene? Find out at http://www.leelofland.com/wordpress/murder-really-bugs-me-and-so-do-stories-that-get-it-wrong/
In defense of passive voice and to-be verbs
If you're self publishing and thinking about doing your own covers, fonts are important. Here's a great post on the subject of fonts.
All I have to say about this post is: WOW! This is a must read and should probably be reviewed repeatedly as one writes to be sure you're fully exploiting your story's suspense.
We all get stuck in ruts when trying to describe characters, places, or things. This collection of thesauruses is worth exploring to get us out of those ruts.
I don't know too many writers who aren't a little insecure when it come to writing fights or love scenes. These two posts could help.
Thanks for the links!