By William Froug
Silman-James Press
As a novelist, I've been walking on the wild side for about a year now, reading more books about screenwriting than about novel writing. It all started with Save The Cat!
I have to say that I’m disappointed in this book. I just didn’t see anything here that made me feel like I was being let in on any professional secrets for story writing. Neither is there much that’s new or unique.
That doesn’t mean this author doesn’t have worthwhile advice; it just means that you can find most (if not all) of what he has to share elsewhere, and generally in a lot of elsewheres. Mostly, what you’ll find here is an attitude that you need to write the best story you can and that you should be willing to take risks by going against standard wisdom.
For instance, though he acknowledges that the most common story structure is the three-act structure, he thinks it stifles creativity. He may be right, but like any other rules, I think it’s important to understand the “rules” so you know when and how to break them. As a reader and movie viewer, I’m less excited about the avante guard stories I suspect result from this idea. Maybe that says more about me than it does about those who want to break away from the standard structure.
For instance, though he acknowledges that the most common story structure is the three-act structure, he thinks it stifles creativity. He may be right, but like any other rules, I think it’s important to understand the “rules” so you know when and how to break them. As a reader and movie viewer, I’m less excited about the avante guard stories I suspect result from this idea. Maybe that says more about me than it does about those who want to break away from the standard structure.
Among other things, he says:
There is no “one-size-fits-all” method of writing.
There is no “one-size-fits-all” method of writing.
Don’t revised during the first draft. Notes in the margin are fine. Once started, press on like there’s a pack of wolves nipping at your ass.
What else does it deliver?
It has some thought provoking things to say. For instance, the author, W, doesn't believe your protagonist has to be likable. He does believe you must create a fascinating, compelling, interesting, and understandable protagonist. I think that's reasonable. It doesn't work 100% with the romance genre, which is what I write, but in many other genres, fascinating works.
I do like what he says about villains. They can't be straw men. They must be the most dangerous villain imaginable. The villain or opposing force must seem much stronger than your protagonist...The danger of a weak villain cannot be overstated... Unless the threat is deadly serious, it's a joke and your protagonist will be ridiculed. He goes into more detail, of course. Most intermediate and advanced writers already get this, but it's something I've seen newer writers struggle with. Anything that helps reinforce this knowledge is worthwhile.
The rest of the book contains lots of worthwhile information, but frankly, I've seen all of it done better and covered in more depth elsewhere, so while this isn't a bad book, it's nothing special.
If you'd like to see other writing resource reviews, they're here.
*The Pope-in-the-pool (mentioned above) gets its name from a screenplay (unproduced as far as I can tell) where the plot calls for a lengthy but necessary information dump. To keep it from being boring, the scene was set at the pool at the Vatican (your guess is as good as mine about whether such a pool actually exists). The idea is that, if there's something interesting going on alongside it, the info dump won't be as boring is it normally would be.
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